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Saturday, April 4, 2009

How To Earn Money at TutorialTub

When I visited one of my Triond articles today, I saw a comment that gave me a link to a revenue sharing site named TutorialTub. I got curious and checked out the site as this may be a great opportunity for me to earn money online. I learned that we can earn money from the site to write about anything we want to write about. Yes, there are so many communities like this already but what I like about the site is it's friendly and great layout. The site seems legitimate and the artiles are well-written.

How Does It Work ?

1. You have to sign-up from their site to create your account.
2. Once you are already a confirmed member, you can already submit posts.
3. In order to earn money, you have to submit your adsense Publisher ID. If you are not a member yet of Google adsense, you have to sign-up from Google and once your application is approved, your Publisher ID can already be accessible. Once you have it, submit it right away to TutorialTub.

The site has a 50-50 revenue sharing scheme. This means that from all the earnings from your clicks, you will earn 50% while the other half will be for TutotialTub. Google pays you directly when you have reached $100. You can be paid either through check or Western Union. Since I live outside the US, I have chosen mine to be Western Union.

One thing to note though, never click on your ads or your account will be banned. Why don't you check out the site now and start earning monthly revenue soon?


George Serradinho said...

Very interesting post, I will have to go read up more on it and see if applicable to me.

A small note: one thing is that I could not find a link to the TutorialTub website from your post. Try and supply links as it helps us readers.

Thanks for commenting on my site and congrats on your pager rank of 1.

Daily Mezze said...

Thanks for visiting George. You have a great blog and I love your posts. Will be visiting from time to time. Ok re link to TutorialTub, noted.

George said...

Thanks for the link, makes it easier.