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Monday, May 4, 2009

A List of Do Follow Blogs

As I was commenting on forums and following blogs, I've stumbled upon the blog of Melbel and I got so excited of what I saw. A list of Do-Follow Blogs! Just what I was looking for. Do-follow blogs are very important for other blogs. Commenting in them has many great benefits. It increases the number of blogs linking to yours, it adds the number of your backlinks and google thinks that your site is popular and is a busy blog. Busy blogs are loved by Google and Alexa as it means many people visit your site and more traffic means more money.
I wanted to make my own list but for now, I suggest you visit Melbel's blog for the long list of these do-follow blogs. Are you a new blogger and is your blog new ? This is a great opportunity for you to get backlinks.

Do-Follow blogs at Melbel's.


Naoko said...

Nice post, I just found out about the do follow a couple days ago, been blogging for over year and a half now. If you want you can add me to your list and I will add you.

alf said...

thanks for sharing this information. i will check her blog so that i learn more about do follow.

Need Money said...

Thank you for the informative post! I'll have to check out that site.